Ep 1 : New Journey

When I was small I really love travelling but I never thought about solo travelling. I always thought I need a group to enjoy my life. It is true for some extend and it is best if you can adjust yourself to enjoy your own company. Since I am travelling alone I got lots of attention from my peers and I was kind of like that fame. 
"You travelled a lot"
"That place looks really good"
"I wish I can travel like you"
"You are enjoying your life a lot" 
Those compliments are regular and thanks to my drone, comments were even better. As I said before initially it was for my pure enjoyment and explore the world as much as possible. After some time with that all massive positive feedback I think I travelled to maintain my status. I thought that "Traveller" badge is a kind of recognition that I got from society is one of the achievements in my life.

After some time with all that fame driven travelling I thought about starting something from this. Something like digital Nomad. Digital Nomad is a buzz word that used to describe a person who travels around and work remotely. So you will work in a white sand beach one week and next week move to a mountain area. Even thinking something like brings me chills. "How awesome is that"

With that said, I got an idea to coup with overcrowded tourism. I decided to brand myself as "Travel with King" and create some traction around that. Even though the app is still months away, I thought it is always good to create the momentum. Now I have a mission not only to get other attention and recognition. After creating couple travel videos I realized I have no skills in this area and I am getting very less attraction for my content. As a fact, I am still struggling to pass 400 followers in my Instagram. There are a couple of successful videos but most of them are failures. Lack of talent is one of the major concerns to drop my travel video life and there is another reason. I saw many people just to travel to get that perfect photo but less care about the environment. Full of garbage and overcrowded everywhere. This is not going to sustain in the long run and I shouldn't promote this kind of activity. It is true my app is to solve such problems but I feel travelling should promote to people who really like to explore the places, not for a perfect Instagram photo. 

Now I am in a dilemma, What should I do now? Keep promoting places to build my travelling brand? Keep posting to retain that "Traveller" badge? or give up everything and start blogging about what I felt during my travelling?

I feel that the best way is to write down my experiences because when I grow old or when I feel lonely I can read all these my travel journals. I will limit my social media presence as much as possible and try to enjoy my life with experiences. Why I need to impress others to get their attention?


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